Friday, June 10, 2011

Sunny Afternoon


Small Front Porch


Car Port

Scooter Parking

Red Potted Plant

Pilgrimage to No Where

I'm a Time Traveler

Dead End Road

Dead End Road II

Flat House


White Picket Fence

Level Up House

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Latest on: Impossible Things

These are pretty much finished, maybe an adjustment to one of them. There are a few more, but these are the closest to being complete. More later.

Saturday, April 09, 2011


This is just an update showing where I am in this process. I really enjoy creating these. However, I do long to get back behind the camera. Photoshop is great, but it doesn't have the same feel as photography really does. I hope to convert an old camera that I have very soon and as the weather gets warmer I plan to go out and about more. We shall see....

Monday, April 04, 2011


Newest composition this weekend... 7 more to go after this. Once these drafts are put through the final edits I'll be spending the next month printing them. Wish me luck and pray for sunshine-- I'm going to need it.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Newest Project- So far

To go along with my previous post, I have created 3 more compositions. These are just small screen shots of them. I will post larger versions once they are all finished. For now, enjoy the thumbnails. There will be twelve total at least for this phase of the project. I may make loads more, but for now I will aim for twelve.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Current Project

I'm currently working on my new portfolio. Here is the first image so far. This is not the final draft, but so far I like where it's going. :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fly a Kite

I think this is my best scanogram thus far. I made this a few years ago as well. As you can see, it's been a while since I made any of these. Tragic. More to come.

An Old Project: "The Girl Without Hands"

Here is a "scanogram" project I did nearly 3 years ago. Since I made this I see some things I would have done differently. Maybe I'll make those changes sometime. I'm jumping back into making these though. I have a few new ideas as to what I should do with them. We shall see. Anyway, just know that I'm way better at photoshop that I was when I made these. haha

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oktomat Troubles

So I took my Oktomat camera out again recently and sadly the film got all caught up in the camera. Soooo.... this is what I've got. Nothing spectacular, but it was fun nonetheless. Toy cameras just don't seem to like me much. I am also working on a new project of "scanograms." I hope to have one ready to post this weekend. Stay tuned!